Micro Mizuna Mustard

Size: 30g

A delicate, feathery microgreen that offers a mild, slightly spicy and peppery flavor, reminiscent of rocket but less intense. Its leaves are a vibrant green, adding not only a subtle, tangy kick to dishes but also a beautiful visual contrast. 

Health-wise, micro Mizuna mustard is packed with nutritional benefits, including high levels of vitamin C, K, and A, along with antioxidants and minerals like iron and folate. These nutrients support immune function, bone health, and may help reduce inflammation and oxidative stress. The presence of glucosinolates, compounds found in many cruciferous vegetables, also suggests potential anti-cancer properties. Its nutrient density, combined with a low calorie count, makes micro Mizuna a valuable addition to a health-conscious diet, offering a flavorful way to boost nutritional intake without adding excess calories.