Purple Oxalis

Size: 30 Leaves

Oxalis triangularis, also known as purple shamrock or false shamrock, is a striking plant notable for its deep purple, triangular leaves and delicate pink flowers. Culinary-wise, its leaves have a tangy, slightly sour taste, thanks to the presence of oxalic acid, which is similar to the flavor profile of sorrel. This unique taste makes it an excellent choice for adding a refreshing, citrusy note to salads, garnishes, or as an edible decoration on dishes for an added pop of color and flavor.

From a health perspective, Oxalis triangularis should be consumed in moderation due to its oxalic acid content, which, in large amounts, can inhibit the body's ability to absorb calcium and lead to kidney stones. However, when consumed in small quantities, it can be a delightful addition to a balanced diet, offering a unique flavor and aesthetic appeal to a variety of culinary creations.